Spring Season

Spring is one of the four Earth’s seasons, that goes after winter and foreshadows summer. In this time of the year, days become longer and the weather better, warmer. Coming of spring means rebirth. Rebirth of nature, a lot of animals wake up from the hibernation and have breeding period. Also a lot of birds return to their homes, because of good temperatures.
Spring season means more outdoors walking and spending time outside, on nature, and also this time of a year is best for meditation: forget about worries, clean your mind and just concentrate on beauty and sound of nature.
- Nature:
- Spring Nature
- Phenomena
- Earth:
- Equinox
- Hemispheres
- Holidays
Spring Nature
The first sign of coming of the Spring season is snow melting and the appearance of the very beautiful first flowers, called snowdrops. Also, birds return to the settlements and starting to build their new nets.
A lot of plants and trees are growing and new, bright green leaves appearing on them, bringing new and fresh colors in our life. Flowers are blooming and everyone would be able to feel this amazing smell in the air and enjoy the beauty of their bloom!
Days become longer and nights shorter, that means we have more time to be outdoors!
Spring Phenomena
The most well-known phenomena of the Spring are melting of the snow, flooding, appearing of the buds on the trees and bushes.
Also be ready for the thunderstorms, but they won’t be long and wait for an amazing rainbow after rains!
Spring season always bring winds and a lot of clouds in the sky with unique and unusual forms, so just look up and try to guess what the clouds look like, using your imagination.
Another main sing of the Spring is thaw. As usual you can see this near the trees and on the fields.
Flora and Fauna
As you know, spring is time of renewal of the nature, every single day in this time of the year you will see more and more new flowers and other plants. During the spring season, flowers will have blossoms after bulbs or buds. New, green and fresh leaves will appear on the trees and bushes, the grass will become greener and greener every day.
Interesting fact! Traditional first flower of the spring is primrose, that also has a meaning as “first rose”. The blooming period of this flower consist of different and bright colors as pink, purple, yellow, white and even blue.
Another amazing flower, that appears in the early Spring is Eranthis, that brings bright yellow color, looking like sun!
Pansies is annual Spring flower, that we can see form the first days of this season. It has a few colors and bright middle. Plant this amazing flower in a pot, put it on a sill in your house and it will delight you every day.
Also Spring is the best time for planting some vegetables, for example arugula, carrot, beet, radish, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and eggplants.
A lot of animals wake up from hibernation. During the winter period they were sleeping, saving energy and with coming of the spring they are ready to the new life and season!
In the Spring most of animals have a breeding period, giving a birth to new ones. Why that happens mostly in Spring? There is more available food, due to plant growing, warmer and pleasant weather, and, of course, better conditions for new born animals.
In the Spring a lot of birds start singing, it this way they are trying to find a mate and start nesting. This time of year is the best time for this. They can find material for the nest everywhere in the Spring – dried grass, moss and other. Also it is easier for them to find food.
But not all spices of birds like to create their own homes. For example, Cuckoo bird do not build a nest, this kind of birds prefers to lay eggs in another’s bird nest.
The Vernal Equinox
Vernal equinox (March equinox) - in the Northern Hemisphere, this is the moment when the Sun passes from the southern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the northern one. In the Southern Hemisphere, on the contrary, the September equinox is considered spring, and the March equinox is considered autumn. On the day of the equinox, the Sun, as viewed from the equator, rises strictly to the east and sets in the west.
On the day of the vernal equinox (as well as the autumnal equinox) on Earth, except for the earth's poles, the day is almost equal to night. The Vernal equinox can occur as early as 19 March or as late as 21 March.
Northern Hemisphere
As you know, Northern Hemisphere is a part of the Earth, that is located north to Equator. Here Spring comes on the 1 of March and ends on 31 of May. During May this part of Earth gets more direct sunlight.
Southern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere location is south part of Earth to Equator. Seasons here are opposite to Northern Hemisphere seasons. Spring begins on the 1 of September and finishes at 30 of November.
Spring in Traditional Holidays Countries of the World
Coming of Spring to every country and town is a significant event, that is way there are a lot of celebrations and holidays, regarding to greet this amazing time of the year.
Now we are going to tell you about the best and interesting spring tradition in the world!
Songkran Festival
Songkran Festival, that held in Thailand every year. Everyone goes in national monastery, visit their families and, the most interesting thing, people throw water! Also you would be able to see different parades, lasting up to six days, accompanied by loud music, dancing and a lot of fun!
White House Easter Egg Roll
White House Easter Egg Roll takes place in the USA on Easter every year. On this day a lot of children roll eggs through the grass with help of wooden spoons near the White House. That who crosses the finish first is a winner. This tradition was estimated in 1814 and has own interesting spirit, that you can feel in the air in this day.
Holi Festival
Go to Northern India and take part in fascinating and amazing colorful festival. Feel unforgettable emotions, while throwing colored powder at another people. This celebration means the end of Winter and meeting coming of the Spring.
(Gala dinner, Navruz in Dushanbe. Photo by: Shukhrat Sadiev)
Nowruz, that is celebrated in Central Asia, symbolizes new life, rebirth of the nature and new beginnings. In this day people always cleaning their homes and taking part in different customized paraded, meet families and friends, going for food in cafes and restaurants.
Spring season is very important as for people’s life, as for nature. It is perfect time to start doing something new, spend time on nature and have fun!