Seasons in Brazil

Brazil is an attractive and unforgettable country to visit in any season. The country has the Equator in the North, the Tropic of Capricorn in the South, the Atlantic washing the coastline in the East. That’s a paradise world you want to return again and again.
Amazon Plain occupies a wide aria of the country. Archaeologists say Amazonia once was a bottom of giant sea. Surprisingly, this puzzle land is not well researched. There’s a number of unfooted places never seen by human.
The summer in Brazil lasts the whole year round. Due to the Equator average year air temperature is 77~82,4 degrees Fahrenheit (+27~28 °C). It’s a little bit colder in the South mountain part, it’s a little bit warmer in the central part, and coastline air is always very humid. Winter differs from summer with the high quantity of rains only.
Brazilians adore holidays and know how to celebrate ‘em. The holidays may be for all the country (state holidays) or just for one part of it but they’re always colorful and fun.
Spring in Brazil
Autumn comes in the North hemisphere, but Brazilian September brings the Spring. The wet season starts with tropical heavy rains and thunderstorms. The nature regenerates, rank vegetation turn into bloomy surface. There’re especially many orchids, and their heady aroma makes feel dizzy. Cactuses, hevea (valuable caoutchouc resource), palm trees (there are more than 100 palm kinds!) and exceptionally beautiful lilies – all blooms.
Climate of the Spring Months
September Max average t°: +28 °C (82 °F) Min average t°: +16 °C (61 °F) Sundial in the day: 7 hours Rainy days: 4 days Precipitation: 50 mm (2.0") |
October Max average t°: +28 °C (82 °F) Min average t°: +17 °C (63 °F) Sundial in the day: 5.5 hours Rainy days: 13 days Precipitation: 170 mm (6.7") |
November Max average t°: +27 °C (81 °F) Min average t°: +17 °C (63 °F) Sundial in the day: 5 hours Rainy days: 18 days Precipitation: 240 mm (9.4") |
Spring Holidays
September 7 – Independence Day. The celebration includes military parade, and then people celebrate and have fun till next morning.
Octoberfest – more than 2 weeks of beer and music festival
October 12 – Our Lady of Aparecida
November 2 – All Souls’ Day
November 15 – Republic Day
Summer in Brazil
Hot Brazilian summer starts in December. The best time to swim is from December to March. And it’s time for main year holidays. They are Christmas, Reveillon or New Year, and Brazilian Carnival in Rio de Janeiro.
Brazilian celebration of New Years’ Day differs from our. On Revellion they wear white dress, make gifts, drink champagne and forgive old resentments. In midnight Rio de Janeiro citizens come to the coastline, enjoy the fireworks and throw white flowers into the ocean waves. That’s an unforgettable sight!
Brazilian Carnival in Rio de Janeiro is a grand event of global impact. The millions of tourists gather at Rio for a week of samba, day and night fun and tequila.
Climate of the Summer Months
December Max average t°: +26 °C (79 °F) Min average t°: +17 °C (63 °F) Sundial in the day: 4.5 hours Rainy days: 20 days Precipitation: 250 mm (9.8") |
January Max average t°: +27 °C (81 °F) Min average t°: +17 °C (63 °F) Sundial in the day: 5 hours Rainy days: 19 days Precipitation: 240 mm (9.4") |
February Max average t°: +27 °C (81 °F) Min average t°: +17 °C (63 °F) Sundial in the day: 5.5 hours Rainy days: 18 days Precipitation: 215 mm (8.5") |
Summer Holidays
December 25 – Christmas
December 31 – Reveillon
February – Brazilian Carnival
Another national holidays are election days. There are a plenty of unofficial ethnic and religious holidays in Brazil. Octoberfest, Brazilian Carnival, Kinderfest, Fenaostra, Fenachopp, Musikfest, Schutzenfest, Kegelfest, Cavalhadas, Oberlandfest, Tirolerfest, Marejada are among them. Brazilians love their holidays very much, and anyone who ever participate these holidays understands why.
Autumn in Brazil
Brazil is situated in the Southern hemisphere, therefore the seasons are inverted. Brazilians meet the Autumn when our March and April come. There’re a little of spring holidays because the people harvest. And what do Brazilians grow? Coffee, the best coffee in the world. Surprisingly, Brazilians prefer the cocoa to coffee.
Brazilians grow and export apples, too. Local markets sell aplenty fruits from more than 30 banana kinds to exotic cherimoya, cocona, jabuticaba and noni.
Climate of the Autumn Months
March Max average t°: +27 °C (81 °F) Min average t°: +17 °C (63 °F) Sundial in the day: 6 hours Rainy days: 17 days Precipitation: 190 mm (7.5") |
April Max average t°: +27 °C (81 °F) Min average t°: +17 °C (63 °F) Sundial in the day: 7 hours Rainy days: 11 days Precipitation: 125 mm (4.9") |
May Max average t°: +26 °C (79 °F) Min average t°: +15 °C (59 °F) Sundial in the day: 7.5 hours Rainy days: 4 days Precipitation: 40 mm (1.6") |
Autumn Holidays
April – May - the Easter
April 21 – Tiradentes’ Day
May 1 – Labour Day
Winter in Brazil
Winter time is from May to August. That’s the best season to travel through Amazonian jungle ‘cause the wild animals are far less aggressive in winter. Ocelots, jaguars and pumas hide in jungle. There are really a lot of monkeys like howler monkeys, guenons, bald uakaries, pygmy marmosets. One can see a quietly sleeping sloth on branches, or meet capybara or harpy eagle – the main predator among the birds. And you shouldn’t forget ‘bout caimans and huge anacondas.
Climate of the Winter Months
June Max average t°: +25 °C (77 °F) Min average t°: +13 °C (55 °F) Sundial in the day: 8.5 hours Rainy days: 1 day Precipitation: 9 mm (0.3") |
July Max average t°: +25 °C (77 °F) Min average t°: +13 °C (55 °F) Sundial in the day: 8.5 hours Rainy days: 1 day Precipitation: 12 mm (0.5") |
August Max average t°: +27 °C (81 °F) Min average t°: +15 °C (59 °F) Sundial in the day: 8.5 hours Rainy days: 2 days Precipitation: 13 mm (0.5") |
Winter Holidays
For Brazilian pupils: they have about a month of winter holidays.