Seasons in Mississippi

The Mississippi is often referred to as the magnolia state. This is the second attraction of the territory after the largest river in the United States, which gave its name to the state.
The climate is humid subtropical, so summers are long and winters are short. More than 20 tornadoes and hurricanes occur during the year. The main amount of the elements falls on the beginning of autumn. The state is considered the birthplace of the blues.
Spring in Mississippi
The transition from cold to warm occurs in the first half of March. Spring in Mississippi is friendly, rainy and warm. Average temperatures range from 63 °F to 75 °F (from +17 °C to +24 °C). In May, heat waves of 85 °F (+29 °C) are possible. Showers and midday storms are likely.
The turkey hunt opens in the spring, so the state parks and nature reserves are full of tourists. Don't forget to get a hunting permit! The water in rivers and lakes is warm enough for swimming from the end of April. It is worth taking a boat ride or fishing. Attend the Belzon Catfish Festival.
Climate of the Spring Months
March Max average t°: 68 °F (+20 °C) Min average t°: 49 °F (+9 °C) Sundial in the day: 7.5 hours Rainy days: 8 days Precipitation: 4.8" (122 mm) |
April Max average t°: 76 °F (+24 °C) Min average t°: 56 °F (+13 °C) Sundial in the day: 9 hours Rainy days: 6 days Precipitation: 4.5" (114 mm) |
May Max average t°: 63 °F (+28 °C) Min average t°: 64 °F (+17.5 °C) Sundial in the day: 10 hours Rainy days: 7 days Precipitation: 4.2" (108 mm) |
Spring Holidays
March 1st: National Women of Color Day.
March 17: St.Patrick 's Day.
April 1: April Fools' Day.
April 22: International Earth Day.
last Monday in April: Confederate Memorial Day
2nd Sunday of May: Mother’s Day.
last Monday in May: Memorial Day.
last Monday in May: Jefferson Davis’ birthday.
Summer in Mississippi
Summer in Mississippi is too hot to be considered a high tourist season. Temperatures rise to 87-92 °F (+30 +33 °C). It is very humid, so the heat is hard to bear. In June, cyclones and hurricanes are possible coming from the Gulf of Mexico. The closeness of the ocean softens the heat.
If you are not fond of swimming and water parks, there are many opportunities for tourism and culture in the Mississippi during the summer. Visit one of the state parks: Vicksburg National Park, Mississippi Petrified Forest, or Gulf National Seaside Island. Swimming in the Mississippi River in summer is not recommended.
Climate of the Summer Months
June Max average t°: 89 °F (+32 °C) Min average t°: 71 °F (+21 °C) Sundial in the day: 11 hours Rainy days: 8 days Precipitation: 3.4" (87 mm) |
July Max average t°: 91 °F (+33 °C) Min average t°: 73 °F (+23 °C) Sundial in the day: 10.5 hours Rainy days: 10 days Precipitation: 4.1" (105 mm) |
August Max average t°: 91 °F (+33 °C) Min average t°: 73 °F (+23 °C) Sundial in the day: 10 hours Rainy days: 9 days Precipitation: 3.9" (99 mm) |
Summer Holidays
June 14: Day of the American flag.
June 19: Juneteenth National Independence Day.
Third Sunday of June: Father’s Day.
July 4: Independence Day.
August 26: Women's Equality Day.
Autumn in Mississippi
The velvet season in Mississippi comes in the fall. This is the best time for tourism, attending festivals and outdoor recreation. A comfortable temperature of 80-88 °F (+26 +31 °C) lasts until November. It is cooler in November - about 63-72 °F (+17 +22 °C). There is little rain, many calm sunny days.
Autumn is the best time to see historical sites. Fairs and festivals are held in the cities of the state. Reconstructions of the events of the Civil War are being organized in the parks. Highlights include the 1839 Jackson Capitol and the Mississippi Museum of History.
Climate of the Autumn Months
September Max average t°: 87 °F (+30.5 °C) Min average t°: 68 °F (+20 °C) Sundial in the day: 9 hours Rainy days: 6 days Precipitation: 3.3" (83 mm) |
October Max average t°: 78 °F (+25.5 °C) Min average t°: 58 °F (+14 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 5 days Precipitation: 3.5" (89 mm) |
November Max average t°: 67 °F (+19 °C) Min average t°: 48 °F (+9 °C) Sundial in the day: 7 hours Rainy days: 6 days Precipitation: 3.7" (95 mm) |
Autumn Holidays
1st Monday in September: Labor Day.
2nd Monday in October: Columbus Day.
October 31: Halloween (All Hallows' Eve)
November 11: Veterans’ or Armistice Day.
4th Thursday in November: Thanksgiving Day.
Winter in Mississippi
Mississippi winters are short and warm. Average temperatures range from 29 °F to 64 °F (from -1 °C to +17 °C). The cold snap comes in December and lasts until early February. There is little snow. For lovers of skis and skates, artificial snow and ice cover is made.
Among the winter entertainment for adults, the first place is taken by gambling establishments in the city of Biloxi. The port of Biloxi is considered a popular tourist destination. An old lighthouse has been preserved here. In Olive Branch, we recommend seeing a bonsai nursery. If you love history and literature, visit Faulkner's estate.
Climate of the Winter Months
December Max average t°: 59 °F (+15 °C) Min average t°: 42 °F (+5 °C) Sundial in the day: 6 hours Rainy days: 7 days Precipitation: 4.9" (124 mm) |
January Max average t°: 57 °F (+14 °C) Min average t°: 39 °F (+4 °C) Sundial in the day: 6 hours Rainy days: 7 days Precipitation: 5.0" (126 mm) |
February Max average t°: 61 °F (+16 °C) Min average t°: 42 °F (+6 °C) Sundial in the day: 6 hours Rainy days: 7 days Precipitation: 4.7" (119 mm) |
Winter Holidays
December 25: Christmas Day.
January 1: New Year’s Day.
January 20 every fourth year: Inauguration Day.
3rd Monday in January: Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.
3rd Monday in January: Robert E. Lee’s Birthday
February 14: St. Valentine's Day.
3rd Monday in February: Washington’s Birthday.