Seasons in Hawaii

Climate of the Hawaii islands is formed by trade winds. Due to their influence precipitation falls mostly in northern and eastern sides of islands. Coastal areas in south and west are drier. Because of trade-winds and potential torrential rains most of resorts are located on the leeward coasts of the islands.
Most of precipitation falls at October through April. At rest of months rains are less frequent and intense. However rise of temperatures increases probability of hurricanes. Summer daytime temperature is between 84-90 °F (29 and 32 °C) while at winter is drops to range between 64-70 °F (18 and 21 °C). Drops below 61 °F (16 °C) and leaps adobe 90 °F (32 °C) are extremely rare.
Spring in Hawaii
Annual weather conditions in Hawaii vary neigh. March is penultimate month of rainy season with average amount of precipitation about 1.9” (50 mm). Air temperature of this season is slowly grows from 73 °F (23 °C) at March to 75 °F (25 °C) at May. Thus daily range is wider than seasonal. At night temperature drops by about 9 °F on the Fahrenheit scale (≈5 °C in Celsius).
Overall weather is pleasant and day and slightly cool at evening and nights. Long sleeved sweater is warmest of clothes you might ever need in Hawaii. In addition spring is calm in terms of storms and other natural extremes.
Climate of the Spring Months
March Max average t°: 81 °F (+27 °C) Min average t°: 66 °F (+19 °C) Water t°: 75 °F (+24 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 3 days Precipitation: 1.9" (48 mm) |
April Max average t°: 81 °F (+27 °C) Min average t°: 67 °F (+19.5 °C) Water t°: 77 °F (+25 °C) Sundial in the day: 9 hours Rainy days: 2 days Precipitation: 1.2" (30 mm) |
May Max average t°: 84 °F (+29 °C) Min average t°: 69 °F (+21 °C) Water t°: 78 °F (+25.5 °C) Sundial in the day: 9.5 hours Rainy days: 2 days Precipitation: 1.1" (29 mm) |
Spring Holidays
March 1st: National Women of Color Day.
March 17: St.Patrick 's Day.
March 26: Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day.
March or April: Good Friday.
April 1: April Fools' Day.
April 22: International Earth Day.
2nd Sunday of May: Mother’s Day.
last Monday in May: Memorial Day.
Summer in Hawaii
Actual summer starts at late April in Hawaii. Three summer months are heist of the season with average temperatures of 81-88 °F (27 to 31 °C) and insignificant amount of precipitation for local wet winter has gone. This is sunny season with average of 287 hours of daylight per month. Amount of precipitation is completely insignificant.
From July through November there is probability of tropical storms and hurricanes. Severe disasters are rare and in addition almost every storm can be waited out on leeward side of an island. Other than this and crowding tourists summer is completely fine season to visit Hawaii.
Climate of the Summer Months
June Max average t°: 85 °F (+29 °C) Min average t°: 71 °F (+21.5 °C) Water t°: 79 °F (+26 °C) Sundial in the day: 10 hours Rainy days: 0 days Precipitation: 0.6" (16 mm) |
July Max average t°: 86 °F (+30 °C) Min average t°: 73 °F (+22.5 °C) Water t°: 79 °F (+26 °C) Sundial in the day: 10 hours Rainy days: 1 day Precipitation: 0.7" (17 mm) |
August Max average t°: 86 °F (+30 °C) Min average t°: 72 °F (+22 °C) Water t°: 81 °F (+27 °C) Sundial in the day: 10 hours Rainy days: 1 day Precipitation: 0.9" (22.5 mm) |
Summer Holidays
June 11: King Kamehameha Day.
June 14: Day of the American flag.
June 19: Juneteenth.
Third Sunday of June: Father’s Day.
July 4: Independence Day.
3rd Friday in August: Statehood Day.
August 26: Women's Equality Day.
Autumn in Hawaii
Whole September is completely summer month in terms of weather conditions. Same pleasant temperature and absence of precipitation remains until October. Second month of autumn brings slight drop of temperature and increased precipitation. At November average daytime temperature is 77 °F (25 °C) and level of precipitation per month reaches 2.3” (60 mm) for local winter have started.
September and first half of October is best time for those who have spare time and dislike usual bustle of vacation season. At this time crowds are dwindled. Surfers will surely choose time from October for at local winter waves are great.
Climate of the Autumn Months
September Max average t°: 87 °F (+30 °C) Min average t°: 71 °F (+22 °C) Water t°: 81 °F (+27 °C) Sundial in the day: 10 hours Rainy days: 1 day Precipitation: 0.8" (21 mm) |
October Max average t°: 86 °F (+30 °C) Min average t°: 70 °F (+21 °C) Water t°: 81 °F (+27 °C) Sundial in the day: 9 hours Rainy days: 1 day Precipitation: 0.9" (24 mm) |
November Max average t°: 83 °F (+28.5 °C) Min average t°: 68 °F (+20 °C) Water t°: 79 °F (+26 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 2 days Precipitation: 1.0" (24.5 mm) |
Autumn Holidays
1st Monday in September: Labor Day.
2nd Monday in October: Columbus Day.
October 31: Halloween (All Hallows' Eve).
November 11: Veterans Day.
4th Thursday in November: Thanksgiving Day.
Winter in Hawaii
Overall weather conditions of calendar winter are completely agreeable. Average daytime temperature varies from 72 °F (24 °C) at December to 75 °F (22 °C) at February. At December two peaks are occurring. First of them is peak of precipitation. Its’ level reaches 3.1” (80 mm) per month. Second one is peak of tourist’s influx during winter holidays.
Considering given above literally any time is good to visit the Hawaii. Weather here is pleasant year round and best time for journey completely depends on personal preferences. Crowded periods are easy to avoid and there are no other significant concerns.
Climate of the Winter Months
December Max average t°: 81 °F (+27 °C) Min average t°: 66 °F (+19 °C) Water t°: 77 °F (+25 °C) Sundial in the day: 7.5 hours Rainy days: 2 days Precipitation: 1.2" (31 mm) |
January Max average t°: 80 °F (+26.5 °C) Min average t°: 65 °F (+18 °C) Water t°: 76 °F (+24.5 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 1 day Precipitation: 0.75" (19 mm) |
February Max average t°: 80 °F (+26.5 °C) Min average t°: 64 °F (+18 °C) Water t°: 76 °F (+24.5 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 3 days Precipitation: 2.1" (54 mm) |
Winter Holidays
December 25: Christmas Day.
January 1: New Year’s Day.
January 20 every fourth year: Inauguration Day.
3rd Monday in January: Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
February 14: St. Valentine's Day.
3rd Monday in February: President’s Day.