Seasons in Miami

Tropical monsoon climate of Miami divides a year into two seasons. Span of first of them is between April and October. At this time average highs are between 30 and 86-91 °F (33 °C) and there are occasional showers occurring mostly at early morning or late nights. And even if it rains at day there are no slush and mud. Noon showers are bringing pleasant cool instead. However heat seems to drive off most of tourists.
Second season lasts from October to April. Significant precipitation is absent and temperature is mild. Averages are about 77 °F (25 °C) with occasional leaps to 86 °F (30 °C). At December and January temperature may fall down to 59 °F (15 °C) but cool periods are lasting for only couple days. Snow was registered only once through whole time of meteorological observations thus winter is the most popular time to visit the city.
Spring in Miami
Weather of March and April is hot at day and comfortable at night. It is dry and exceptionally pleasant. Average highs at first two months are between 78-82 °F (26 and 28 °C). Water of the Atlantic Ocean warms up to 77 °F (25 °C).
At May average highs are reaching 86 °F (30 °C) and rainy season stars. Average monthly amount of precipitation rises to 5.3” (135 mm) and it is only the beginning. Tourists aren’t appreciating such changes and start to go back where they come from to wait out hot and wet summer to return in September.
Climate of the Spring Months
March Max average t°: 78 °F (+25 °C) Min average t°: 65 °F (+18 °C) Water t°: 76 °F (+24.5 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 3 days Precipitation: 1.3" (34 mm) |
April Max average t°: 81 °F (+27 °C) Min average t°: 68 °F (+20 °C) Water t°: 79 °F (+26 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 4 days Precipitation: 2.4" (61 mm) |
May Max average t°: 84 °F (+29 °C) Min average t°: 72 °F (+22 °C) Water t°: 81 °F (+27 °C) Sundial in the day: 8.5 hours Rainy days: 7 days Precipitation: 4.6" (117 mm) |
Spring Holidays
March – Carnaval Miami/Calle Ocho; Miami-Dade County Fair & Exposition; Miami International Film Festival; ULTRA Music Festival.
April – Great Taste of the Grove.
May – Miami Fashion Week.
Summer in Miami
This season is hot and humid. Showers are frequent yet short. Average highs of whole season are about 88-90 °F (31-32 °C). Almost half of annual amount of precipitation falls at summer. In addition to heat and humidity last month of the season is time of increased probability of hurricanes. On the other hand hotel pricings are going down to the lowest levels of a year.
Waters are warming up to formidable 84-86 °F (29-30 °C). In addition to pleasant temperature there are significant waves which may interest salted surfers. Meantime locals are preparing recue packs and studying lists of inland hotels. Just in case.
Climate of the Summer Months
June Max average t°: 87 °F (+30 °C) Min average t°: 75 °F (+24 °C) Water t°: 84 °F (+29 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 11 days Precipitation: 5.4" (138 mm) |
July Max average t°: 88 °F (+31 °C) Min average t°: 77 °F (+25 °C) Water t°: 86 °F (+30 °C) Sundial in the day: 9 hours Rainy days: 13 days Precipitation: 5.9" (151 mm) |
August Max average t°: 88 °F (+31 °C) Min average t°: 77 °F (+25 °C) Water t°: 86 °F (+30 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 11 days Precipitation: 6.5" (165 mm) |
Summer Holidays
June 14: Day of the American flag.
At summer there no significant local festivities for they are scheduled on tourists season.
Autumn in Miami
Heat, rains and hurricane threat of summer are remaining through September and October. Slight drop of average temperatures don’t ease the heat. At September preliminary booking of hotels begins and at late October rains are suddenly ceasing as if someone turned the sky switch. The city shrugs in anticipation of new fussy tourist’s season.
At November Miami is already flooded with visitors. Averages have drop down to 81 °F ( 27 °C) and rains are completely gone. It isn’t the peak of a season yet every club and point of smallest interest is jam-packed with tourists.
Climate of the Autumn Months
September Max average t°: 87 °F (+31 °C) Min average t°: 76 °F (+24.5 °C) Water t°: 85 °F (+29.5 °C) Sundial in the day: 7 hours Rainy days: 13 days Precipitation: 6.8" (173 mm) |
October Max average t°: 84 °F (+29 °C) Min average t°: 73 °F (+23 °C) Water t°: 82 °F (+28 °C) Sundial in the day: 6 hours Rainy days: 7 days Precipitation: 3.6" (91 mm) |
November Max average t°: 80 °F (+26 °C) Min average t°: 68 °F (+20 °C) Water t°: 79 °F (+26 °C) Sundial in the day: 6 hours Rainy days: 3 days Precipitation: 1.65" (42 mm) |
Autumn Holidays
October – Festival Miami.
November – Miami Book Fair International; White Party Week.
Winter in Miami
December is actual peak of high season for the city is crowded at Christmas vacations. Average highs are about pleasant 77 °C (25 °C) and precipitation is insignificant. By the way coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean are as warm as air is thus all kinds of seaside activities are available. January is the coldest month of a year and oddly enough the best time for visit.
February bears equally pleasant weather conditions unless it is warmer by couple of degrees. All in all winter is certainly the best time to visit the city. Especially is rooms were prudently booked at September or October.
Climate of the Winter Months
December Max average t°: 76 °F (+24.5 °C) Min average t°: 63 °F (+17 °C) Water t°: 77 °F (+25 °C) Sundial in the day: 6 hours Rainy days: 2 days Precipitation: 1.3" (34 mm) |
January Max average t°: 75 °F (+24 °C) Min average t°: 61 °F (+16 °C) Water t°: 75 °F (+24 °C) Sundial in the day: 6 hours Rainy days: 2 days Precipitation: 2.0" (51 mm) |
February Max average t°: 75 °F (+24 °C) Min average t°: 61 °F (+16 °C) Water t°: 75 °F (+24 °C) Sundial in the day: 7 hours Rainy days: 2 days Precipitation: 1.1" (27 mm) |
Winter Holidays
December – King Mango Strut; Orange Bowl.
February – Coconut Grove Arts Festival.