Seasons in Alaska

Climate in Alaska, the biggest and northernmost state, varies from maritime in coastal areas to arctic in northern regions. Weather of northern portion of the state is considered as extreme with regions of eternal frost. Global location, vast territory and coasts with features of relief are forming weather of the state.
Southern part of the peninsula is located in zone of influence of the Pacific Ocean. It is warmer than rest of the state. Overall precipitation level is high. Annual amount of it may reach 196” (~5000 mm) but they are distributed unevenly. Temperatures are uneven too. Coastal areas have 59 °F (15 °C) at summer and about 21 °F (-6 °C) at winter. Regions with subarctic climate are much colder with about -40 °F (-40 °C) at winter and less precipitation.
Spring in Alaska
Spring comes to populated regions relatively late. March is rather winter month at least in terms of weather conditions. At late April-May daytime temperature may reach 68 °F (20 °C). This is awaited time of warmth after half of a year of cold winter. Nature and people are hurry to take the most from this blessed time.
First half of the season is wet, cold and windy thus this time should rather be dedicated to indoor activities. Meaning it isn’t suitable for journey. However at May weather is completely suitable for climbing, rafting and hiking in untouched woods.
Climate of the Spring Months
March Max average t°: 39 °F (+4 °C) Min average t°: 27 °F (-3 °C) Sundial in the day: 5.5 hours Rainy days: 18 days Precipitation: 5.5" (139 mm) |
April Max average t°: 47 °F (+8.5 °C) Min average t°: 32 °F (0 °C) Sundial in the day: 6.5 hours Rainy days: 17 days Precipitation: 4.8" (123 mm) |
May Max average t°: 55 °F (+13 °C) Min average t°: 39 °F (+4 °C) Sundial in the day: 7.5 hours Rainy days: 18 days Precipitation: 5.2" (133 mm) |
Spring Holidays
March 1st: National Women of Color Day.
March 17: St.Patrick 's Day.
Last Monday in March: Seward’s Day
April 1: April Fools' Day.
April 22: International Earth Day.
2nd Sunday of May: Mother’s Day.
last Monday in May: Memorial Day.
Summer in Alaska
Summertime is the best time to visit the state. Warm weather allows wandering in magnificent local forests, completely unforgettable fishing and other kind of activities for lovers of untouched nature. Bravest of visitors may even swim in cold bodies of water. Moreover at summer southern regions are better base to go for extreme tourism in northern regions.
And even despite everything mentioned above main reason to travel to Alaska at summer are white nights. This is the period when amount of daylight hours reaches 18. Main part of “ammunition” for such journey is detergent for mosquitos are especially aggressive at the season.
Climate of the Summer Months
June Max average t°: 61 °F (+16 °C) Min average t°: 45 °F (+7 °C) Sundial in the day: 8 hours Rainy days: 15 days Precipitation: 4.0" (101 mm) |
July Max average t°: 64 °F (+18 °C) Min average t°: 48 °F (+9 °C) Sundial in the day: 6.5 hours Rainy days: 17 days Precipitation: 5.4" (136 mm) |
August Max average t°: 62 °F (+17 °C) Min average t°: 47 °F (+8 °C) Sundial in the day:5.5 hours Rainy days: 18 days Precipitation: 7.0" (178 mm) |
Summer Holidays
June 14: Day of the American flag.
June 19: Juneteenth National Independence Day.
Third Sunday of June: Father’s Day.
July 4: Independence Day.
August 26: Women's Equality Day.
Autumn in Alaska
September is great for journey to Alaska as well. Mosquitos are gone and spectacular variety of autumn shades of local nature is available for admiration with any concerns. At this month average temperature is about 59 °F (15 °C ).
October is way cooler with its 41 °F (5 °C). Winter is approaching but haven’t come completely yet. It is some kind of transition period when summer activities aren’t of current interest and weather is not quite suitable for winter types of vacationing. October is technically winter month for it starts snowing and significant drop of temperatures occurs.
Climate of the Autumn Months
September Max average t°: 56 °F (+13 °C) Min average t°: 43 °F (+6 °C) Sundial in the day: 4 hours Rainy days: 20 days Precipitation: 9.7" (247 mm) |
October Max average t°: 47 °F (+8 °C) Min average t°: 37 °F (+3 °C) Sundial in the day: 2 hours Rainy days: 24 days Precipitation: 12.2" (311 mm) |
November Max average t°: 37 °F (+3 °C) Min average t°: 28 °F (-2 °C) Sundial in the day: 2 hours Rainy days: 20 days Precipitation: 8.3" (210 mm) |
Autumn Holidays
1st Monday in September: Labor Day.
2nd Monday in October: Columbus Day.
October 18: Alaska Day.
October 31: Halloween (All Hallows' Eve).
November 11: Veterans Day / Armistice Day.
4th Thursday in November: Thanksgiving Day.
Winter in Alaska
Time from December from February is period of another spectacular northern nature phenomena. In northern regions at three winter months visitors are able to spectate Northern Lights of exceptional beauty. Neighborhood of Fairbanks is the best place for spectating.
Alas to do so travelers should be ready to cope with significant inconvenience. Temperature in central regions of the state in the midst of winter is dropping to -40 °F (-40 °C). On the other hand air is rather dry and winds are moderate. Among other benefits such experience will make you appreciate other types of climate.
Climate of the Winter Months
December Max average t°: 32 °F (0 °C) Min average t°: 24 °F (-5 °C) Sundial in the day: 1.5 hours Snowy days: 21 days Precipitation: 7.6" (193 mm) |
January Max average t°: 29 °F (-1.5 °C) Min average t°: 19 °F (-7 °C) Sundial in the day: 2.5 hours Snowy days: 18 days Precipitation: 6.3" (161 mm) |
February Max average t°: 34 °F (+1 °C) Min average t°: 23 °F (-5 °C) Sundial in the day: 3 hours Snowy days: 17 days Precipitation: 5.8" (148 mm) |
Winter Holidays
December 25: Christmas Day.
January 1: New Year’s Day.
January 20 every fourth year: Inauguration Day.
3rd Monday in January: Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
February 14: St. Valentine's Day.
3rd Monday in February: President’s Day.